Making Math Workshop Work for You

Math Workshop changed my classroom, my teaching and my students. The key to making math workshop work is to make math workshop work for YOU.

Teachers, raise your hand if this sounds like you..

  • You dread teaching math
  • Your class struggles to stay engaged in math
  • Behaviors tend to amp up during your math block
  • You haven’t found a flow that you love for math

Yup, this was me too. I didn’t always enjoy teaching math. In fact, I struggled to teach math because it seemed like every time math rolled around someone hit someone, someone stole someone’s pencil, and someone needed help tying a shoe right now. Yes, now, in the middle of a lesson. The truth is it was because my students were bored and quite honestly I was too. However, that was until I found and implemented math workshop. Math workshop gave my students ownership over their learning, it gave me time to meet with small groups and it made us all love math. Now this wasn’t an overnight fix. I spent a lot of time researching, planning, prepping and adapting. After a lot of trial and error, I found the secret sauce and I’m here to share it with you. The key to making math workshop work is…

Making Math Workshop Work for you!

Okay, okay, let me explain. What I mean by this is finding activities, lessons, and structures that fit in your classroom, with your curriculum, your students, and your teaching style. If you try to make math workshop something that you are not, it’s going to fail and you’re going to hate it. The key is taking the math workshop model and making it your own.

The Good News

The good news for you is, I did the hard work so you don’t have too. I tried just about everything; I failed, a lot; I had a lot of boring lessons and a lot of disengaged students. Finally, in the end I found the most magical thing. I want to share my magical thing with you. Let me help you, let me be your guide!

Get started today by downloading my free guide; 5 Tips to Making Math Workshop Work for You here.

After that, stick around for all things math workshop.

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