Classroom Choice Boards for Makerspace

Makerspace is such a fun addition to all classrooms! It is great for STEAM Labs, Library, Computer Lab or just in the general ed classroom.  However, some students can find the possibilities overwhelming.  Help beat the overwhelm but still foster creativity with these classroom choice boards for makerspace. 

What is Makerspace? 

Makerspace is a collaborative work area full of tools, gadgets, and supplies where students can come up with an idea and leave with a created project.  They are a great way to foster creativity and get students excited about learning and exploring. There are many places where Makerspaces can find a home: in a library, art room, computer lab, STEAM classroom, general ed classrooms and more.  Makerspaces can be full of recycled materials, craft supplies, technology, woodworking tools, and more! It is really totally up to you.  

Why have a Makerspace in my classroom? 

I have always had a Makerspace in my Prek-2 classroom.  When teaching preschool it was used daily during center time and supplies aligned with our current unit.  When teaching in a public school, our Makerspace was much smaller scale and used on Fun Friday or for special projects. I found great value in having a Makerspace in all of my classrooms.  

For little learners this is a great way to excite them about different topics.  It is a hands-on and engaging way to explore new things: textures, sounds, smells, new skills and more.  It also allows students control over their exploration.  This was especially important in my preschool classrooms since 3-4 year olds are constantly soaking in new things, it can be overwhelming! Makerspace let’s students do it on their own terms.  

Another huge benefit is creativity.  A lost art these days is creativity. I could go on and on about the benefits of creativity in kids but I will save that for another post.  What I will say is creativity still has a place in the classroom and you can still make time while teaching all 400 standards.  Makerspace is a way to do that! 

So how do I use these Makerspace Choice Boards?  

If you are not sure where to start, these classroom choice boards for makerspace are a great place to start.  They can be helpful for you to start brainstorming what you want to include in your space.  This can be as simple as paper scraps, scissors, glue, crayons/markers, etc.  I’m serious. You will learn that kids will make anything out of anything, that’s the best part! The choice boards also help guide students without giving them an “answer.” The choice boards give students a what without giving them a how. The how is totally up to them and it’s where they get to be creative.  Once you have gathered some supplies and have your choice boards ready, you are ready to introduce Makerspace to your students! 

I’m in! 

If you are ready to get started with Makerspace, you can check out the choice boards here. This set comes with editable templates, monthly choice boards and seasonal options.  They can work with any form of Makerspace! 


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